



PHYTO SCIENCE DOUBLE stemcell is plants stem cells combination by using Swiss Plant Stem Cell Technology - PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica ( Apple Stem Cell) and PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis ( Grape Stem Cell), enriched with acai berry and blueberry to nourish your skin from within, provide you with a significant result.

PhytoCellTec™ MalusDomestica (Apple Stem Cell)

A rare Swiss apple is being hailed in the cosmetic and fashion world as an exciting anti-ageing breakthrough – even Michelle Obama is rumoured to be a fan. Stem cells from the Uttwiler Spätlauber apple are said to protect skin cell regeneration and so delay the onset of wrinkles. The discovery was made by a Swiss company.

The November edition of the United States Vogue magazine went as far as to call the variety "the super-apple", and asked if the tree could be "the new fountain of youth".

The Uttwiler Spätlauber, which was first recorded in the 18th century, comes from canton Thurgau, in northern Switzerland.

It is well known for its excellent storability; it can stay fresh looking for up to four months after being harvested, long after other varieties have become wrinkled.

However, it has not been widely cultivated of late because of its sour taste and the number of trees have dwindled.

PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis PhytoCellTec™

Solar Vitis is based on stem cells from the GamayTeinturierFréaux grape – a grape from Burgundy, which is characterised by an extremely high content of polyphenols for UV protection.

Extensive studies have shown that PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis reliably protects epidermal stem cells from UV stress and thus from skin aging caused by light. PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis increases the vitality and efficiency of all essential skin cells and improves the skin's resistance.


The use of plant stem cells protects the most important skin cells, namely its stem cells, thus delaying skin aging. PhytoCellTec™ Solar Vitis protects the skin from chronological and light-induced aging, extending skin cells' vitality and keeping the skin's appearance young and beautiful longer.

Triple stemcell™ Shine Stem
Almost all human longs for a beautiful, good looking appearance, however not everyone understands the secrets to retain the good and youthful look. Our skin care and beauty experts have successfully developed the Triple Stemcell Shine Stem Stem (SS Cream) which made beauty care simple and effective. It helps you to look young regardless of your age and be a centre of attraction among crowds.

5 notable key ingredients in Triple stemcell™ Shine Stem